Sunday, February 8, 2009

Assistive Technology

IDEA Sec. 300.5 "Assistive Technology Device"
Any item, equipment, or product used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities. Does not include surgically implanted medical device or replacement of such a device.

IDEA Sec. 300.6 "Assistive Technology Service"
Service that directly assist children in the selection, acquisition, or use of assistive technology device.

Finding the appropriate assistive technology can be difficult, but finding the funding can be even more difficult. Some parents may find this process overwhelming. The following link, which is a collaboration of information and assistance on assistive technology, was prepared by Parents, Let's Unite for Kids (PLUK) in cooperation with The Federation for Children with Special Needs. This site is a great tool for learning about the laws that govern assistive technology, assistive technology issues, and advice for requesting assistive technology. PLUK offers an entire section to funding for assistive technology.
Click here to visit the PLUK website

I have defined assistive technology according to IDEA, but their are many laws that govern assistive technology and it's funding. Families are often left dumbfounded when it comes to the rights they have and where to find the information that may help them better understand those rights. The following laws that focus on AT legislation will be addressed in the link provided.
  • Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act
  • Admendments: Assistive Technology Act of 1998
  • Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Being informed is the first step!
Click here to learn more about the laws that govern assistive technology

A quaterly newsletter could be helpful to adults and families with children with disabilities. offers just that! The newletters introduces the most recent developments in assisive technology. Parents and adults will find free software they can download, a calendar of upcoming events, expert advice, and recommendations for choosing the right equipment. The online community will allow for further information sharing and supports. -Assistive Technology Newsletter